Investigation News

A web of front people conceals environmental offenders in the Amazon

Snack giant PepsiCo sourced palm oil from razed Indigenous land – investigation

Sanctioned timber baron wins new mining concessions in Cambodia’s Prey Lang

U.S. mining companies leave lasting trail of contamination across Peru

False claims of U.N. backing see Indigenous groups cede forest rights for sketchy finance

Traditional small farmers burned by Indonesia’s war on wildfires

Revealed: Why the UN is not climate neutral

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

A powerful U.S. political family is behind a copper mine in the Colombian rainforest

License to Log: Cambodian military facilitates logging on Koh Kong Krao and across the Cardamoms

Agro giants buy grains from farmers fined for using Indigenous land in Brazil

Logged and loaded: Cambodian prison official suspected in massive legalized logging operation

In Brazil, criminals dismantle one of the best-preserved swaths of the Amazon

Palm oil plantation linked to Wilmar faces accusations in Liberia

The $20m flip: The story of the largest land grab in the Brazilian Amazon

At a rubber plantation in Liberia, history repeats in a fight over land

Major Brazil palm oil exporter accused of fraud, land-grabbing over Quilombola cemeteries

Dalian Ocean Fishing, subject of Mongabay probe, now sanctioned by U.S.

Exclusive: Shark finning rampant across Chinese tuna firm’s fleet

Panama restricts information on sanctioned boats, evading transparency

Panama: A ‘flag of convenience’ for illegal fishing and lack of control at sea

The Fixers: Top U.S. flooring retailers linked to Brazilian firm probed for corruption

Crime and no punishment: Impunity shrouds killings of Indigenous Amazonian defenders

Loggers close in on one of the world’s oldest biosphere reserves

Chinese companies linked to illegal logging and mining in northern DRC

Large-scale logging in Cambodia’s Prey Lang linked to politically-connected mining operation

Stained by oil: A history of spills and impunity in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia

‘The promise was a lie’: How Indonesian villagers lost their cut of the palm oil boom

Revealed: Timber giant quietly converts Congo logging sites to carbon schemes

At a ‘certified’ palm oil plantation in Nigeria, soldiers and conflict over land

The great Koh Kong land rush: Areas stripped of protection by Cambodian gov’t being bought up

Worked to death: How a Chinese tuna juggernaut crushed its Indonesian workers

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