Mongabay investigation News

73 stories

More alarms over Indonesia rhino poaching after latest trafficking bust

Luxury hunting firm linked to decades of poaching in Tanzania, whistleblowers say

Javan rhino poaching saga reveals serious security lapse

Mongabay investigation is turned into art for World Press Freedom Day event

Impunity and pollution abound in DRC mining along the road to the energy transition

A web of front people conceals environmental offenders in the Amazon

Snack giant PepsiCo sourced palm oil from razed Indigenous land – investigation

False claims of U.N. backing see Indigenous groups cede forest rights for sketchy finance

In Brazil’s Amazon, a clandestine road threatens a pristine reserve

The oil debt: More than 6,000 polluted sites fester across Amazonian countries

Indonesian illegal shark and ray exports remain rampant amid poor monitoring

Forests in the furnace: Cambodians risking life and liberty to fuel garment factories

Forests in the furnace: Can fashion brands tackle illegal logging in their Cambodian supply chains?

Forests in the furnace: Cambodia’s garment sector is fueled by illegal logging

License to Log: Cambodian military facilitates logging on Koh Kong Krao and across the Cardamoms

Forest behind bars: Logging network operating out of Cambodian prison in the Cardamoms

RSPO suspension of Brazil palm oil exporter tied to Mongabay land-grabbing report

In Brazil, criminals dismantle one of the best-preserved swaths of the Amazon

Video: In Brazil’s Amazon, Quilombolas fight major palm oil firm for access to cemeteries

Video: Stolen Quilombola cemeteries in the Amazon, and the probe that revealed it all

Major Brazil palm oil exporter accused of fraud, land-grabbing over Quilombola cemeteries

Dalian Ocean Fishing, subject of Mongabay probe, now sanctioned by U.S.

As gangs battle over Peru’s drug trafficking routes, communities and forest are at risk

Exclusive: Shark finning rampant across Chinese tuna firm’s fleet

Panama restricts information on sanctioned boats, evading transparency

Panama: A ‘flag of convenience’ for illegal fishing and lack of control at sea

Mongabay probe key as Brazil court rules on palm oil pesticide contamination

The Fixers: Top U.S. flooring retailers linked to Brazilian firm probed for corruption

Crime and no punishment: Impunity shrouds killings of Indigenous Amazonian defenders

Loggers close in on one of the world’s oldest biosphere reserves

Foreign capital powers Brazil’s meatpackers and helps deforest the Amazon

Chinese companies linked to illegal logging and mining in northern DRC

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