3236 stories

Meet the little-known African tortoise with a hatchback for a shell

Don’t even study it: Geoengineering research hits societal roadblocks

Sun block: The promise and peril of solar geoengineering

Javan rhino poacher gets 12 years in record sentence for wildlife crime in Indonesia

Poachers claim to have killed one-third of all Javan rhinos, Indonesian police say

Max sentence request for Javan rhino poacher too low, experts say

Report ranks 60+ ideas, including geoengineering, to save the Arctic

Ridiculously rare photo catches Asian caracal swimming a river in India

A single gang of poachers may have killed 10% of Javan rhinos since 2019

New calf, same threats: Javan rhinos continue to reproduce despite perils

On the trail of Borneo’s bay cat, one of the world’s most mysterious felines

To help beleaguered Javan rhinos, study calls for tree felling, captive breeding

Farewell, Java stingaree: Scientist declare the first marine fish extinction

Smallholders and loggers push deeper into Sumatra’s largest park

New calf brings new hope, and new concerns, for embattled Sumatran rhinos

Is ocean iron fertilization back from the dead as a CO₂ removal tool?

Sumatran rhino birth is rare good news for species sliding to extinction

Forest restoration can fare better with human helping hand, study shows

Indigenous peoples undersupported on frontline of hotter, drier, fiery world

NASA satellites reveal restoration power of beavers

Amid government inaction, Indonesia’s rhinos head toward extinction (analysis)

‘We will decide their future’: Q&A with “pro-bear” environmental journalist Gloria Dickie

‘I’m not distressed, I’m just pissed off’: Q&A with Sumatran rhino expert John Payne

Death of last female Yangtze softshell turtle signals end for ‘god’ turtle

World’s ‘largest’ tropical reforestation project slowed by Covid, Bolsonaro, fires

Reconnecting ‘island habitat’ with wild corridors in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

Mountain islands: Restoring a transitional cloud forest in Costa Rica

From ukuleles to reforestation: Regrowing a tropical forest in Hawai‘i

Peatland restoration in temperate nations could be carbon storage bonanza

Pollinator declines linked to half million early human deaths annually: Study

Re-carbonizing the sea: Scientists to start testing a big ocean carbon idea

Sumatran tiger arrives at Tacoma captive-breeding program

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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