Mongabay data studio News

125 stories

Verra suspends carbon credit projects following police raid in Brazil

Activists decry latest arrests of East African oil pipeline opponents

Narco activity takes heavy toll on Colombia’s protected forests, satellite data show

Analysis: Michelin’s no-deforestation claims in Indonesia rubber plantation a stretch

Top brands buy Amazon carbon credits from suspected timber laundering scam

Tackling climate change in one of Colombia’s largest wetlands

Impunity and pollution abound in DRC mining along the road to the energy transition

Fishing by dodgy fleets hurts economies, jobs in developing countries: Report

Protected areas bear the brunt as forest loss continues across Cambodia

Global coral bleaching now underway looks set to be largest on record

Bonobos, the ‘hippy apes’, may not be as peaceful as once thought

Forests in Vietnam’s Central Highlands at risk as development projects take priority

Global cobalt rush drives toxic toll near DRC mines

Under the shadow of war in the DRC, a mining company acts with impunity

Huge new no-fishing zones give Antarctic marine predators and their prey a break

New report details rights abuses in Cambodia’s Southern Cardamom REDD+ project

Mongabay Data Studio: Revealing nature’s hidden stories through data (commentary)

Should all marine reserves ban fishing? Not necessarily, new study shows

In Cambodia, an official’s cashew factory churns out timber from a protected forest

Climate change, extreme weather & conflict exacerbate global food crisis

In the Brazilian outback, the half-century Kapinawá struggle for sacred ground

Cambodia’s Indigenous communities renounce communal land titles for microloans

In Nepal’s Chitwan, tourist pools spell possible trouble for environment & wildlife

Grassroots efforts and an Emmy-winning film help Indigenous fight in Brazil

‘Hope is the last to die’: Q&A with Indigenous leader Jose Parava on land rights

Sanctioned timber baron wins new mining concessions in Cambodia’s Prey Lang

Spain sanctions fishing vessels for illegally ‘going dark’ near Argentine waters

U.S. auctions off endangered whale habitat for oil and gas drilling

New dams in Cambodia pit ‘green’ hydropower against REDD+ project

Suriname preparing to clear Amazon for agriculture, documents suggest

Traditional small farmers burned by Indonesia’s war on wildfires

Chinese gold miners ‘illegally’ tearing up Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

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