Global Forest Reporting Network News

A new 100-page report raises alarm over Chevron’s impact on planet

Science refutes United Cacao’s claim it didn’t deforest Peruvian Amazon

‘We are invisible’: Brazilian Cerrado quilombos fight for land and lives

Chimps in Sierra Leone adapt to human-impacted habitats, but threats remain

Cocaine blamed for rising deforestation in Peru’s Bahuaja-Sonene National Park

Devastating Laos dam collapse leads to deforestation of protected forests

Copper mine destroying forests in Panama’s Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

Critically endangered Philippine eagle hangs on despite horde of threats

Investigation reveals illegal cattle ranching in Paraguay’s vanishing Chaco

‘There are no laws’: Cattle, drugs, corruption destroying Honduras UNESCO site

Climate change may turn Amazon peatlands from carbon sinks to sources

Stop importing illegal timber, PNG activists tell China at APEC Summit

Brazil could lose Nepal-size area of rainforest due to policy revision

Haiti may lose all primary forest by 2035, mass extinction underway

Congo Basin rainforest may be gone by 2100, study finds

Peru seizes plane with 30kg of cocaine in Bahuaja-Sonene National Park

Chinese demand wiping out forests in the Solomon Islands: New report

Secrets revealed: Researchers explore unique, isolated forest in Mozambique

Tropical deforestation now emits more CO2 than the EU

Int’l protections not stopping pangolin overexploitation in Cameroon

Deforestation surges in Virunga National Park in the wake of violence

Frogs coping with fatal fungus in Panamanian forest, study finds

Scientists urge greater protection of Brazil’s secondary forests

Massive loss of mammal species in Atlantic Forest since the 1500s

What’s causing deforestation? New study reveals global drivers

Study finds widespread degradation, deforestation in African woodlands

Colombia’s new president faces daunting environmental challenges

From sink to source: Droughts are changing the Amazon rainforest

Colombia: Govt rushes to save national park from rampant deforestation

Tropical forest canopies get hotter than expected, putting wildlife at risk

Tracking the shift of tropical forests from carbon sink to source

Community groups in Cambodia say logging surged with approaching election

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