Community based conservation News

912 stories

Manatees become conservation symbol for communities in Mexico

Co-management of conservation areas offers multiple benefits

An interview with ringtailed lemur expert Alison Jolly

Group takes ‘venture capital’ approach to conservation

New rainforest sanctuary in Cameroon already at risk from plantations, hunting

Komodo dragon conservation efforts prove controversial in Indonesia

STRI goes carbon neutral as Panama indigenous community to see carbon payments from forest conservation

7 steps to solve the global biodiversity crisis

Implementing a butterfly farm: Iwokrama reserve’s latest sustainable initiative

Madagascar villagers vote to protect sea turtles, see first hatchlings

Birds face higher risk of extinction than conventionally thought

Parks help people to the detriment of biodiversity, suggests study

Africa’s lions are disappearing

Biodiversity conservation will only work if local people benefit

Large-scale agriculture ‘compromises’ forest’s ability to recover

7-year old nature guide becomes Belize environmental hero as adult

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