Illegal mining News

346 stories

Indonesian campaigns getting money from illegal logging, mining, watchdog says

Brazil tackles illegal miners, but finds their mercury legacy harder to erase

Colombia, Ecuador announce alert system to protect Indigenous Awá from armed groups

Struggles loom as Bolivia prepares new plan to clean up its mercury problem

Lula government scrambles to overcome Yanomami crisis, but hurdles remain

Yanomami crisis sparks action against illegal gold in the Amazon

Newly described DiCaprio’s snake and others threatened by mining in Ecuador and Panama

‘Mercury is a complex problem’: Q&A with Colombian Mining Minister Irene Vélez Torres

For some Colombians, vows of mining reform are just a flash in the pan

The $20m flip: The story of the largest land grab in the Brazilian Amazon

Mapping of no-drill areas in Ecuador’s Amazon can be scaled for entire rainforest: Study

Element Africa: A lawsuit over oil, deaths over mining, and worries over lithium

Brazil-U.S. cooperation is key for global forest conservation (commentary)

Mechanization of illegal gold mining threatens Ghana’s forests

Illegal mines and “floating towns” on the Puré River leave uncontacted Indigenous peoples at risk

Changing circumstances turn ‘sustainable communities’ into deforestation drivers: Study

Element Africa: Lead poisoning, polluted rivers, and ‘calamitous’ mining regulation

Indigenous communities threatened as deforestation rises in Nicaraguan reserves

Illegal road found in Yanomami land accelerates destruction

Yanomami health disaster prompts outrage as Lula vows to tackle crisis

Dammed, now mined: Indigenous Brazilians fight for the Xingu River’s future

Venezuela’s Yapacana National Park suffering increasing mining deforestation: report

Weakening of agrarian reform program increases violence against settlers in Brazilian Amazon

In Brazil’s Amazon, land grabbers scramble to claim disputed Indigenous reserve

In Liberia, a gold boom leads to unregulated mining and ailing rivers

Gold mining invades remote protected area in Ecuador

Indigenous youths lured by the illegal mines destroying their Amazon homeland

About 72% of gold miners poisoned with mercury at artisanal mining sites in Cameroon

As gangs battle over Peru’s drug trafficking routes, communities and forest are at risk

Mercury rising: Why Bolivia remains South America’s hub for the toxic trade

Shady contracts, backdoor deals spur illegal gold mining in Bolivian Amazon

Broken houses and promises: residents still in poverty near massive diamond project

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