Mammals News

3360 stories

Elephant poaching for ivory accelerates

Pakistani snow leopard settles in at Bronx Zoo

15 ‘new’ bird species revealed in North America

New monkey species in Uganda

Giant carnivorous marsupial beasts not killed by climate change in Australia

Europeans may have caused extinction of large mammals in Caribbean

Squirrels predict years of bounty

Moles and shrews can smell underwater

A farewell to the Yangtze’s ghost, the Baiji

Goodbye to the Baiji

Chinese river dolphin nearly extinct says official

‘Bushmeat’ link to SARS outbreak confirmed

World’s rarest cat captured in remote Russia

Population of bizarre Mongolian antelope plunges 95% in 15 years

In search of rare, high elevation monkeys in China

Tiger fur trade thrives in China

Viruses can jump primate-human species barrier, researchers warn

Orangutan population plunges 43% in Indonesia

Orangutans and chimps are smarter than monkeys and lemurs

Primate evolution linked to global warming says new study

Rare indri lemur born in forest reserve in Madagascar

Saving Orangutans in Borneo

Bats Hunt Using Guided Missile Strategy

Shahtoosh becomes illegal as Tibetan antelope is protected

13 rare rhinos found in Borneo survey by WWF

Lemur land, Madagascar now protected

Urban coyotes thriving in American cities

Mysterious pygmy elephants being tracked across Borneo by WWF

Mysterious carnivore found in Borneo rain forest

Rare asiatic cheetahs pictured in Iran

Bizarre rodent discovered in Southeast Asia; Oddity new to science

New fox species discovered in jungle of Borneo

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