Africa News

3037 stories

Mobilizing seniors to fight poverty in Africa

Toad on brink of extinction, scientists race to study for bioactive compounds

The Congo rain forest, an overview of a threatened ecosystem

Atlas shows Africa impacted by war, environmental degradation, population growth

Protectors of wildlife in war-torn Congo recognized with new Award

The real story of Madagascar; new information site explores the island

Dancing lemur attracts tourists to island of Madagascar

Tourism in Madagascar; Visiting the World’s Most Unusual Island

Why visit the real island of Madagascar?

A look at why is Madagascar so poor

Photos of new monkey species found in Africa

New monkey discovered in Tanzania

In Madagascar, Woodworking Zafimaniry remember lost forests

Falling price of rice calms street violence in Madagascar

Collapsing vanilla prices will affect Madagascar

The Giant Jumping Rat, another oddity from Madagascar

Environmentalists hope new film will help conservation efforts in Madagascar

Freshwater aquarium fish are important food source in many tropical countries

People of Madagascar have origins in Borneo, Africa

Madagascar travel forum and discussion board launched at

Madagascar Larger Than Life, New Life for Madagascar’s Tourist Industry?

New media resource on the wildlife of Madagscar

Down a river of blood into a remote canyon in Madagascar: Exploring the Manambolo River

Studying the rainforest canopy

Okapi, other wildlife saved in the Congo by forest protector

Timber hungry China moves into Africa

Madagascar looks toward a brighter economic future with movie, new aid package

Seeking the world’s strangest primate on a tropical island paradise

Madagascar to takes action against illegal logging

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