Happy upbeat environmental News

2579 stories

From prison psychologist to wildlife whisperer: Interview with Susan Eirich

Why I quit the film industry to work on ecological restoration (commentary)

Bangkok turns to urban forests to beat worsening floods

In Venezuela, natural regeneration helps restore a threatened cloud forest

Action at Scale: Elizabeth Yee on The Rockefeller Foundation’s Climate Strategy

Record number of Indigenous land titles granted in Peru via innovative process (commentary)

Indonesia’s Farwiza Farhan among Ramon Magsaysay awardees for protecting Leuser Ecosystem

How a fun women’s gathering led to small wildcat conservation in Peru’s Andes

‘Everything is a being’ for South Africa’s amaMpondo fighting to protect nature

Brazil’s ‘Mothers of the Mangroves’ protect an ecological and cultural heritage

In the Sundarbans, women are embracing mangrove restoration as an alternative livelihood

Rio’s grassroots agroforestry sustains birds, bees & communities

In a fight to save a rare bird, Indigenous communities in Guyana are winning

Ants perform life-saving amputations on injured nestmates, study finds

Cambodia’s largest mangrove forest is ‘teeming with life,’ biodiversity survey finds

New relatives of the cacao tree uncovered in old plant collections

Space mission that maps forests in 3D makes an early comeback

Thai tiger numbers swell as prey populations stabilize in western forests

‘Extinct’ trees found in Tanzania spark hope for ecosystem recovery

French Polynesians revive traditional rāhui to protect fish — and livelihoods

‘Miracle’ in miniature as rare new plant defies deforestation in Ecuador

Camera-trap study brings the lesula, Congo’s cryptic monkey, into focus

Mongabay at 25: A Reflection on the Journey and Future

Peru puts endemic fog oasis under protection

Using immersive media to strengthen support for the environment: An interview with Wendy Schmidt

Deforestation in Earth’s largest rainforest continues to plummet despite a rise in fires

Large birds can boost forest carbon storage — if deforestation doesn’t interfere

Indonesian fishers mount a community-led fight against destructive fishing

A tale of two frogs: The tough uphill battle for rediscovered species

A tiny desert fish hits a 25 year population high in one of Earth’s harshest environments

Indigenous people and NGO grow a wildlife corridor in the world’s oldest rainforest

Otter-preneurs: Female sea otters lead the way in tool use for survival

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