Wildlife corridors News

96 stories

From prison psychologist to wildlife whisperer: Interview with Susan Eirich

Shrimp farms threaten Mexico’s mangroves and the jaguars that inhabit them

‘Explorer elephants’ in transfrontier conservation area offer solution to tree damage

To conserve large landscapes like the Florida Wildlife Corridor, payments for ecosystem services could be key (commentary)

Exploring the science of Asian elephants: Interview with Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel

Borneo and Sumatra megaprojects are carving up clouded leopard forests

Analysis of largest elephant surveys ever shows stable population, but disturbing trends

Rewilding in Argentina helps giant anteaters return to south Brazil

Let’s give the wary wolverine some space (commentary)

Count, connect, conserve: Southern Africa elephant survey points the way (commentary)

No safe space for Nepal’s sloth bears outside protected areas, study finds

How scientists and a community are bringing a Bornean river corridor back to life

Texas ocelot breeding and reintroduction may offer new route to recovery

A mobile solution for Kenyan pastoralists’ livestock is a plus for wildlife, too

Road upgrade through remote Tanzanian park threatens wildlife (commentary)

Skepticism as Cambodia expands protected areas by more than a million hectares

From debt to diversity: A journey of rewilding, carbon capture and hope

Virtual fences can benefit both ranchers and wildlife

Tigers cross borders but struggle to move safely within Nepal, study suggests

Why did the orangutan cross the toll road to Indonesia’s new capital city?

Return of the lions: Large protected areas in Africa attract apex predator

Rewilding animals could be key for climate: Report

Island-hopping cougars redraw boundaries of big cats’ potential range

In South Texas, watch out for ocelots crossing roads (commentary)

Restore linked habitat to protect tropical amphibians from disease: Study

Wildlife at risk in Bangladesh as roads run rampant through protected forests

Harpy eagle’s return to Costa Rica means rewilding’s time has come (commentary)

Small conservation areas provide large benefits for biodiversity (commentary)

Bangladesh struggles to protect the last of its last wild elephants

‘Unprecedented crisis’ for Nepal’s elephants: Q&A with conservationist Ashok Ram

In world convulsed by climate-driven conflict, are peace parks an answer?

Room to roam: Biologists and communities create corridors for jaguars in Mexico

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