12 stories

As a medicine, study finds rhino horn useless — and potentially toxic

Ugandan chimps are eating bat guano, raising concerns over human epidemics

A rush for ‘green’ iron is on in Guinea. Will chimpanzees be a casualty?

Record North Atlantic heat sees phytoplankton decline, fish shift to Arctic

Genetically engineered trees stoke climate hope — and environmental fears

Clean me a river: Southeast Asia chokes on Mekong plastic pollution

Strengthening crops with insect exoskeletons? Study says yes, by way of the soil

Antarctic warming alters atmosphere, ice shelves, ocean & animals

New index identifies marine reserves that are protected in theory only

Top French court orders closure of fisheries amid mass dolphin deaths

Three small steps for mankind, one giant leap for the climate

The dark side of light: Coastal urban lighting threatens marine life, study shows

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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