Environmental policy News

946 stories

Bioplastics as toxic as regular plastics; both need regulation, say researchers

No protection from bottom trawling for seamount chain in northern Pacific

Annual ocean conference raises $11.3b in pledges for marine conservation

UN puts spotlight on attacks against Indigenous land defenders

International hesitancy to adopt environmental regulations threatens Indigenous rights

Caribbean startups are turning excess seaweed into an agroecology solution

New FPIC guide designed to help protect Indigenous rights as mineral mining booms

Delhi gets the attention — but Kolkata’s air pollution is just as dangerous

Indonesian court jails environmentalist for flagging illegal farms in marine park

Deep-sea mining’s future still murky as negotiations end on mixed note

Enviva bankruptcy fallout ripples through biomass industry, U.S. and EU

E-bikes could cut smog, energy use and congestion globally — but will they?

Agribusiness bill moves to block grassland protections in Brazilian biomes

Mining industry touts green pledges to attract talent, but Gen Z isn’t buying it

‘Planting water, eating Caatinga & irrigating with the sun’: Interview with agroecologist Tião Alves

Indonesian activists face jail over FB posts flagging damage to marine park

In Raja Ampat, pearl farming balances business and ecological sustainability

How to reward tropical forest conservation: Interview with Tasso Azevedo

Ancient giant river dolphin species found in the Peruvian Amazon

Communities worry anew as PNG revives seabed mining plans

Projected Pantanal waterway threatens protected areas, may render navigation impossible

Global protected area policies spark conflicts with Mexico Indigenous groups

Sumatra community faces up to ‘plasma’ disappointment after palm oil policy shift

Scientists and doctors raise global alarm over hormone-disrupting chemicals

PNG communities resist seabed mining: Interview with activist Jonathan Mesulam

Should all marine reserves ban fishing? Not necessarily, new study shows

Norwegian salmon farms gobble up fish that could feed millions in Africa: Report

Agrochemicals take a big toll on Global South, new Atlas of Pesticides shows

With drop in illegal fishing comes rise in piracy, study in Indonesia finds

No sea change on marine policy from candidates as Indonesia heads to polls

Critics decry controversial bill that loosens deforestation restrictions in Peru

Brazil’s environmental David fights Congress’s agribusiness Goliath: Interview with Nilto Tatto

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