Global environmental crisis News

403 stories

Human society surpasses ‘nature’s budget’ today

Prominent climate skeptic reverses course, says global warming worse than IPCC forecast

Scientist: ‘no doubt’ that climate change is playing a role in U.S. fires

Cowards at Rio?: organizations decry ‘pathetic’ agreement

Scientists give world leaders ‘Fs’ on climate change, biodiversity, and desertification

WWF: biggest villain at Rio+20 is Canada

Experts: ignoring climate change at Rio+20 makes other goals “meaningless”

Featured video: the Rio speech heard round the world

Scientists: if we don’t act now we’re screwed

Scientists to Rio+20: save biodiversity to save ourselves

Another record in global carbon emissions puts globe on track for ‘devastating consequences’

Groups urge President Obama to attend Rio+20 Sustainability Summit

Biodiversity loss cripples plant growth

Doing good and staying sane amidst the global environmental crisis

Earth Day to do list

“Strong evidence” linking extreme heatwaves, floods, and droughts to climate change

Targeting methane, black carbon could buy world a little time on climate change

Food security in developing world threatened by climate change

Nobel laureates: ‘we are transgressing planetary boundaries that have kept civilization safe for the past 10,000 years’

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