Mining News

1404 stories

Brazil may allow mining on indigenous lands in the Amazon

High mineral prices drive rainforest destruction

Often overlooked, small wild cats are important and in trouble

Future threats to the Amazon rainforest

Scientists call for mining ban, new protected areas in Suriname

Geology, climate links make Guiana Shield region particularly sensitive to change

Venezuela bans gold-mining in forest reserve, will not issue new open-pit permits

Malaysia rejects coal project in Borneo rainforest

Lungless frog discovered in Borneo

New rule grants rainforest to mining firms in Indonesia for $80/acre

Malaysia announces $103B development plan for Borneo island

France blocks controversial rainforest gold mine in French Guiana

Copper mine triggers controversy in Armenia

Proposed gold mine proves controversial in French Guiana rainforest

Central Africa’s ‘Most Beautiful Waterfall’ to be destroyed

Coal mining threatens the “Heart of Borneo”

Mining gets approval despite recent species discoveries

98% of orangutan habitat gone in next 15 years

Google helps protect Amazon rainforest

Pictures of newly discovered species in Suriname

Deep-sea mining threatens fragile marine ecosystems

Gold mining in Guyana damages environment, threatens Amerindians

Biofuels, logging may spur deforestation in Guyana

Gold Rush Tears Up a Patch of the Amazon

Europe’s largest tropical rainforest invaded by gold miners

Mining in Venezuelan Amazon threatens biodiversity, indigenous people

Without recycling, world metals face depletion finds Yale study

Pig iron production fueling Amazon deforestation

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