Overconsumption News

78 stories

Pulling the stunningly unique painted terrapin back from the brink

Malayan Sun bear: bile trade threatens the World’s smallest bear

Unknown, ignored and disappearing: Asia’s Almost Famous Animals

Alarming proof of underreported bushmeat crisis in heart of Amazonia

How much water is in your shirt?

Bushmeat’s dual role: threatened species face off against nutrition and culture

It only took 2,500 people to kill off the world’s biggest birds

Long lost mammal photographed on camera trap in Vietnam

Blame humans: new research proves people killed off New Zealand’s giant birds

86 percent of big animals in the Sahara Desert are extinct or endangered

The ‘dead’ ocean: eyewitness says overfishing has emptied the Pacific

Scientists: stop treating population growth as a ‘given’ and empower women

WWF and National Geographic ask: ‘How much stuff do you need?’

‘Exporting deforestation’: China is the kingpin of illegal logging

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