Recycling News

61 stories

A startup deploys black soldier flies in the Philippines’ war on waste

‘Opening the lid’ on toilet innovation: Q&A with author Chelsea Wald

Land scarcity and disease threaten a multifaceted indigenous crop in Ethiopia

From trash to cash: How a Thai entrepreneur turned used flip-flops into a sustainable business model

Companies’ solutions to global plastic crisis miss the mark: Report

In the rice-rich Mekong region, will husk briquettes take hold?

Flip-flop-clad boat brings plastic recycling message to East African coast

Cellphones are still endangering gorillas, but recycling old ones can help

Domestic conservation: Indonesia’s rich should step up to save nation’s dwindling natural resources

New York City may mandate composting of food scraps to cut garbage bill

Mining companies must turn to recycling as demand for metals grows

U.S. book industry using 24 percent recycled paper on average

Recycled paper gets high marks for low eco impact in use for publication-grade paper in magazines

San Francisco bars officials from buying Apple computers for city business

Sustainable Materials With Both Eyes Open: A book review

Children on the frontlines: the e-waste epidemic in Africa

Taking corporate sustainability seriously means changing business culture

Lego banishes Asia Pulp & Paper due to deforestation link

“Punk-rock” monkey and handbags made from recycled trash inspire conservation in Colombia

U.S. ignores laws on e-waste disposal

75% of world population to face water shortages by 2050

Nike to launch “green” eco-shoe

New process turns chicken fat into biodiesel

Video game-makers score low on sustainability

Subway sandwiches launches first fast-food recycling program

IBM finds recycling can cut solar cell manufacturing costs

Sony launches consumer electronics recycling program

China’s paper recycling industry can help shield forests from destruction

Without recycling, world metals face depletion finds Yale study

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