Supply chain News

191 stories

Myanmar teak is tainted. Time to jettison it, some yacht-making insiders say

How does political instability in the Mekong affect deforestation?

European supermarkets say Brazilian beef is off the menu

Where does the Greater Mekong’s illegal timber go?

Why has illegal logging increased in the Greater Mekong?

EU proposes ambitious ban on products tied to legal and illegal deforestation

The Greater Mekong region: A hotspot of wildlife and crime

Data-driven platform looks to clear up fog of palm oil traceability

NGOs say FSC label offers little protection for forests, Indigenous people

Guatemala tightens cattle ranching rules, but can they stop deforestation?

Environmental activist ‘well-hated’ by Myanmar junta is latest to be arrested

Italian firms flout EU rules to trade in illegal Myanmar timber, report says

Deforestation-free supply chains in Vietnam rely on working with small scale farmers (commentary)

Everything is traceable – unless you don’t want it to be (commentary)

EU sanctions no ‘silver bullet’ against Myanmar’s illegal timber trade, experts say

Top brands failing to spot rights abuses on Indonesian oil palm plantations

For Norway salmon farms giving up deforestation-linked soy, Cargill proves a roadblock

Deforestation of orangutan habitat feeds global palm oil demand, report shows

Demand for soy puts pressure on Pantanal, Brazil’s largest wild wetland

It’s Juneteenth, but these American companies are still profiting from slavery (commentary)

Industrial diets are imprinting on human bodies, new study finds

Trafficking of banned Myanmar teak lands German company with $4m fine

Despite flaws, commodity eco-labels contribute to sustainability (commentary)

Belgium bans biofuels made from palm oil, soy

JPMorgan Chase expanding deforestation policies under shareholder pressure

European public roundly rejects Brazil trade deal unless Amazon protected

Indonesia’s top palm oil deforesters are the usual shady suspects: Report

European farmed salmon sector to use only deforestation-free Brazilian soy

Agribusiness giants ADM, Bunge trading in ‘conflict’ palm oil, report says

As Amazon deforestation hits 12 year high, France rejects Brazilian soy

France falls short in ending deforestation linked to imported soy

Multiplying Amazon river ports open new Brazil-to-China commodities routes

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