Supply chain News

191 stories

Slave labor found at Starbucks-certified Brazil coffee plantation

How a national reserve stopped the extinction of the Peruvian vicuña

Palm oil giant’s claim it can’t control Liberian subsidiary a ‘red herring,’ NGO says

In Brazil, a forest community helps seed new trees far and wide tracks commodities, links supply chains to deforestation risk

Can Ecuador do palm oil right? Jurisdictional RSPO commitment stirs hope

Community vs. company: A tiny town in Ecuador battles a palm oil giant

‘I can’t get out’: Farmers feel the pressure as Ecuador’s palm oil sector grows

Myanmar’s milling industry devastated by new logging policies

More companies sign on to Cerrado Manifesto

New tea plant discoveries in Vietnam highlight vitality of protected areas

Study links US demand for Chinese furniture to deforestation in Africa

Colombia pledges to produce deforestation-free chocolate

New report spotlights financiers of palm oil giant clearing Liberia’s forests

Soy giant Louis Dreyfus pledges deforestation-free supply chain

New research calculates full carbon cost of oil palm cultivation in Indonesia’s forests

Tambopata: Where forest conservation and opportunity meet

Indonesia land swap, meant to protect peatlands, risks wider deforestation, NGOs say

Luxury British yacht makers vow to examine supply chains

Myanmar to target illegal charcoal trade with China

Illegal Burmese wood used in British boats, says organization

Former Mongabay intern, now pop star, launches Amazon-friendly perfume

Seafood giant Thai Union commits to clean up supply chains following pressure campaign

New investor guide aims to help navigate social and environmental risks of commodities supply chains

Suppliers of Lowe’s in the US and Walmart in Brazil linked to slave labor in the Amazon

Innovative tax credit takes aim at deforestation in Peru

Five technologies help thwart illegal logging by tracing wood’s origin

The world’s largest sovereign wealth fund just announced a groundbreaking human rights policy

Greenwashing? RSPO audits rife with ‘mistakes and fraud,’ report finds

West Africa’s weakest links: Supply chain defects are behind worst food waste

Fisheries in developing countries stall on the path to sustainability

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