Rainforest conservation News

1288 stories

Sierra Leone group helps farmers adapt to changing climate, protect forest

Clearest picture yet of Amazon carbon density could help guide conservation

For Indonesian oil palm farmers, EU’s deforestation law is another top-down imposition

A one-time illegal logger grows back a forest for his people in Sumatra

At the ‘Biodiversity Olympics,’ scientists work to democratize rainforest tech

One year after oil referendum, what’s next for Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park?

Study highlights environmental and economic benefits of agroforestry for DRC coffee crops

Are the Amazon’s biggest trees dying? Forest coroners investigate

In Cambodia, Indigenous villagers lose forest & land amid carbon offset project

Can a carbon offset project really secure Indigenous rights in authoritarian Cambodia?

‘Extinct’ trees found in Tanzania spark hope for ecosystem recovery

Regions with highest risks to wildlife have fewest camera traps, study finds

Protected areas benefit nature & people, study says — with caveats

Study: A third of Africa’s great apes at risk from mining of transition metals

Camera-trap study brings the lesula, Congo’s cryptic monkey, into focus

Study: Female chimps that don’t leave their birth groups can still avoid inbreeding

On a remote island, Honduras plans mega-prison in an unstudied reserve

‘Non-market’ solutions to deforestation need more support, advocates say

Indigenous people and NGO grow a wildlife corridor in the world’s oldest rainforest

Analysis: Michelin’s no-deforestation claims in Indonesia rubber plantation a stretch

Organized crime puts unprecedented pressure on Guatemala’s largest rainforest

Study challenges use of charismatic wildlife as umbrella species for conservation

Unseen and unregulated: ‘Ghost’ roads carve up Asia-Pacific tropical forests

A short walk through Amazon time: Interview with archaeologist Anna Roosevelt

How to reward tropical forest conservation: Interview with Tasso Azevedo

UN probes controversial forest carbon agreement in Malaysian Borneo

Toilet paper: Environmentally impactful, but alternatives are rolling out

Palm oil deforestation persists in Indonesia’s Leuser amid new mills, plantations

New report details rights abuses in Cambodia’s Southern Cardamom REDD+ project

Squeezed-out Amazon smallholders seek new frontiers in Brazil’s Roraima state

Ten years since anti-deforestation pledge, corporate world still not doing enough

Tech to recover rainforest: Interview with Osa Conservation’s Carolina Pinto & Paulina Rodriguez

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