Climate change policy News

525 stories

Last year’s greenhouse gas emissions topple worst-case scenario

Sober up: world running out of time to keep planet from over-heating

California finalizes cap-and-trade program

Chamber of Commerce awarded Rubber Dodo for being ‘one of the most environmentally destructive forces in America’

New study: price carbon at the point of fossil fuel extraction

Australia’s carbon tax moves closer to reality

Tar sands pipeline ‘another dirty needle feeding America’s fossil fuel addiction’

Climate test for Obama: 1,252 people arrested over notorious oil pipeline

Adaptation, justice and morality in a warming world

Vietnam plans to build 90 coal plants

Climate scientists in Australia suffer death threats

Nobel laureates: ‘we are transgressing planetary boundaries that have kept civilization safe for the past 10,000 years’

What is the current status of REDD+?

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