Agriculture News

3057 stories

Avian flu, H5N1, identified in wild Mongolian birds

American cotton subsidies impoverish Africa

Organic farming benefits wildlife over conventional agriculture says study

Brazil’s grasslands could replace food production of American heartland

Food demand greater threat to wildlife than global warming

Spicy peppers keep elephants out of farmers’ fields

Climate change could ruin tourism in the Mediterranean

Saving the Amazonian Rainforest Through Agricultural Certification

Brazilian environment chief arrested on illegal forest-clearing charges

Prize recognizes largest contributor to Amazon rainforest destruction

Farming the world’s largest fish – an alternative to deforestation

Cultivated forests play important economic and ecological role in Indonesia

Genetically modified agriculture and bioengineered food gains ground

Falling price of rice calms street violence in Madagascar

Freshwater aquarium fish are important food source in many tropical countries

Farmers and landless poor battle over the Amazon

Chinese economy drives road-building and deforestation in the Amazon

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