Rainforests News

7258 stories

Unrest and arrests in Sumatra as community fights to protect mangroves

Amazon deforestation threatens one of Brazil’s key pollinators, study shows

A tale of two frogs: The tough uphill battle for rediscovered species

How real action on environmental justice comes from Latin America’s community alliances (commentary)

Narco activity takes heavy toll on Colombia’s protected forests, satellite data show

‘Non-market’ solutions to deforestation need more support, advocates say

Elusive jaguarundi inspires biologists to share data across Latin America

Indigenous people and NGO grow a wildlife corridor in the world’s oldest rainforest

Analysis: Michelin’s no-deforestation claims in Indonesia rubber plantation a stretch

New bill to expand farmlands in the Amazon may derail Brazil’s green efforts

Honduran environmental defenders hit hard by human rights crisis, report says

What’s at stake for the environment in Mexico’s upcoming election?

Governments are ramping up actions to fight environmental crime across the Amazon, but is it working? (commentary)

Collective effort monitors Amazon wildlife in heavily logged Brazil state

All conservation is local: Interview with Angolan conservationist Kerllen Costa

Tracing Africa’s ‘fading biological fingerprints’ in Angola’s threatened forests

Guyana road projects spark concerns for future development on wetlands

Global markets and their effects on resource exploitation in the Pan Amazon

Beyond deforestation, oil palm estates pose flood and water contamination risks

Top brands buy Amazon carbon credits from suspected timber laundering scam

Critics see payback in Indonesia’s plan to grant mining permits to religious groups

A forest restoration project brings birdsong back to Angola’s highest mountain

Organized crime puts unprecedented pressure on Guatemala’s largest rainforest

Photos confirm narcotraffickers operating in Peru’s Kakataibo Indigenous Reserve

Setback for Guinea mine that threatens World Heritage chimp reserve

On a Borneo mountainside, Indigenous Dayak women hold fire and defend forest

Environmental defenders paid the price during Panama’s historic mining protests – report

Hold my ointment: Wild orangutan observed healing wound with medicinal plant

Latest palm oil deforester in Indonesia may also be operating illegally

Despite drought, Amazon deforestation alerts hit five-year low

Desperation sets in for Indigenous Sumatrans who lost their forests to plantations

Indonesian company defies order, still clearing peatlands in orangutan habitat

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