Threats to rainforests News

1964 stories

New ban threatens traditional fishers in Brazil’s Mato Grosso state

State management and regulation of extractive industries in the Pan Amazon

Goldman Prize honors Brazilian investigation linking JBS & deforestation

DRC’s 1 billion trees program makes progress, but hurdles remain

Deforestation haunts top Peruvian reserve and its Indigenous communities

Amid record-high fires across the Amazon, Brazil loses primary forests

Brazil boosts protection of Amazon mangroves with new reserves in Pará state

Indonesian capital project finally gets guidelines to avoid harm to biodiversity

Traceability is no silver bullet for reducing deforestation (commentary)

Unseen and unregulated: ‘Ghost’ roads carve up Asia-Pacific tropical forests

Brazil’s cattle industry could suffer major losses without climate policies, report says

As fires ravaged Indonesia in 2023, some positive trends emerged, data show

Tropical forest loss puts 2030 zero-deforestation target further out of reach

Previously logged forests struggle to thrive, even with restoration, study finds

PalmWatch platform pushes for farm-to-fork traceability of palm oil

Deforestation from soy shows no sign of stopping in Cerrado, report says

Lula’s deforestation goals threatened by frustrated environmental agents

Culture of harassment persists for women in Southeast Asia’s conservation space

Soraida Chindoy: the Indigenous guardian defending the sacred Putumayo mountains

Road paving in a Peruvian bird paradise threatens wildlife and ecotourism

Fanned by El Niño, megafires in Brazil threaten Amazon’s preserved areas

Palm oil deforestation persists in Indonesia’s Leuser amid new mills, plantations

Reforestation and restoration: Two ways to make the Pan Amazon greener

Reconciling conservation agriculture and agroforestry for sustainability

Norway pension fund breaks with U.K. conglomerate Jardines over endangered orangutan habitat

Indonesian gold mine expanding in ‘wrong direction’ into orangutan habitat

Ten years since anti-deforestation pledge, corporate world still not doing enough

Land irrigation as an obstacle to agricultural intensification in Mato Grosso

What is most convenient in land distribution?

Major meatpacker JBS misled the public about sustainability efforts, NY lawsuit claims

In the Amazon, what happens to undesignated public lands?

Major meatpackers are unlawfully deforesting Brazil’s Cerrado, report says

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