Tropical forests News

4895 stories

Photos: treasure trove of new species discovered in Ecuador

Range extended for world’s most mysterious gorilla

New rainforest reserve in Congo benefits bonobos and locals

Approximately 200 new frogs discovered in Madagascar threatened by political instability

Prince Charles’ new online initiative for rainforests makes media splash

Howler monkeys poisoned because of misinformed link to yellow fever

Expedition in Philippines uncovers one of the world’s rarest mammals along with possible new species

Vanishing forest elephants are the Congo’s greatest cultivators

Reserves with roads still vital for reducing fires in Brazilian Amazon

Revolutionary new theory overturns modern meteorology with claim that forests move rain

Amazonian region likely to become savannah due to burning, deforestation

Conservation groups condemn ‘open and organized plundering’ of Madagascar’s natural resources

Plant communities changing across the globe, says scientist Sasha Wright

Greenpeace accuses Sinar Mas corporation of violence toward its protestors

Smallest Andean frog discovered in cloud forests of Peru

Elephants populations in the Congo drop 80 percent in fifty years

Poison frog diversity linked to the Andes

Rarest rhino caught on film wallowing in mud with calf

Climate change could devastate lizards in the tropics

Papua New Guinea creates first nature reserve

YouTube videos may be imperiling cuddly primate

Monstrous prehistoric snake provides glimpse of warmer tropical forests

Could engineering rainforests save the planet from global warming?

Wildlife trade creating ’empty forest syndrome’ across the globe

Secondary forest should become new conservation initiative

Symposium tackles big question: how many species will survive our generation

What is the greatest threat to rainforests: habitat destruction or climate change?

Selective logging occurs in 28 percent of world’s rainforests

Is Amazon conservation worth more than clearing for cattle or soy?

In Madagascar, Woodworking Zafimaniry remember lost forests

Kalimantan at the Crossroads: Dipterocarp Forests and the Future of Indonesian Borneo

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