Human rights News

806 stories

Indonesian palm oil firm clashes with villagers it allegedly shortchanged

Indigenous communities make clean energy drive work for, not against, them

Mongabay video screening at Chile’s Supreme Court expected to help landmark verdict in Brazil

Thai plan to relax fishing law stokes fear of return to illegal catches, worker abuse

Indonesian activist freed in hate speech case after flagging illegal shrimp farms

Amplifying Indigenous voices at the global level: Interview with Dario Mejía Montalvo

Impunity and pollution abound in DRC mining along the road to the energy transition

Final cheetah conservationists freed in Iran, but the big cat’s outlook remains grim

Rights groups call for greater public input in ASEAN environmental rights framework

Pro-business parties accused of holding back Indonesia’s Indigenous rights bill

Indigenous communities along Argentina’s Río Chubut mobilize to conserve waterway

Human rights allegations prompt World Bank to freeze project’s funds in Tanzania

UN puts spotlight on attacks against Indigenous land defenders

Cross-border Indigenous efforts in Peru & Brazil aim to protect isolated groups

Research links deforestation in Cambodia to stunting in kids, anemia in women

In Java Sea, vigilantism and poverty rise as purse seine fishing continues

World Bank’s IFC under fire over alleged abuses at Liberian plantation it funded

Indonesian court jails environmentalist for flagging illegal farms in marine park

Report shows dire state of Mekong’s fish — but damage can still be undone

Global cobalt rush drives toxic toll near DRC mines

Indonesian activists face jail over FB posts flagging damage to marine park

Under the shadow of war in the DRC, a mining company acts with impunity

Culture of harassment persists for women in Southeast Asia’s conservation space

Brazil’s Amazonian states push for court reforms in bid for justice

New report details rights abuses in Cambodia’s Southern Cardamom REDD+ project

Madagascar takes key step toward improving transparency of its fisheries

In climate-related flooding, a Ugandan river turns poisonous

New precedent as Afro-Brazilian quilombo community wins historic land claim

Climate change brings a river’s wrath down on western Uganda

Not waiting for the government, Myanmar’s Karen people register their own lands

Indonesian nickel project harms environment and human rights, report says

Activists urge Australia to end lucrative links to Myanmar junta’s mines

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