Hydropower News

317 stories

Brazil is scaling back its protected area network and the short-term effect on forests might surprise you

Brazil’s Congress moves ahead to end nation’s environmental safeguards

Ethics, sustainability, and Amazon hydropower: mission impossible?

Amazon mega-dam suspended, providing hope for indigenous people and biodiversity

Four dams to be removed from Klamath River in Oregon and California

BNDES Speaks Out: giant Brazilian bank offers rare in-depth interview

Report from the Amazon #5: Iriri River folk may be forced from their homes to protect the environment they love

Protests continue amid signs that controversial Borneo dam cancelled

BNDES: a bank loans billions to tame South America’s wild waters

Controversial dam officially canceled in Borneo after indigenous protests

Report from the Amazon #4: Indigenous and non-indigenous cultures, once hostile to each other, now mingle

Indigenous forest activist released from prison amid Cambodian crackdown

BNDES funded Belo Monte dam — a mega-project with mega-problems

Global carbon dioxide emissions stay flat for second year in a row

BNDES has long history of loans to gigantic construction companies

Giant development bank’s social and environmental safeguards called into question by critics

Report from the Amazon #1: Altamira, a city transformed by the Belo Monte dam

Chinese dam builder eyeing major Amazon mega-dam contract

Forest loss increased annually for 25 years at oldest Amazon mega-dam

Corruption guided award of huge Amazon dam contracts in Brazil

Scientists sound alarm over hydropower’s impacts on tropical fish biodiversity

The week in environmental news – Jan 08, 2016

Damming the Amazon: new hydropower projects put river dolphins at risk

Brazilian environmental NGOs depend heavily on corporate money

New dams may expose Canadian seafood consumers to higher levels of neurotoxin

Brazil climate change report warns of failed hydropower and crops

Indigenous anti-dam activists converge in Sarawak from around the globe

Turkish government bears down on rural resistance to mining and hydro projects

‘Green’ hydropower dam fuels charges of gross human rights violations

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