Southeast asia News

4092 stories

World’s largest bat threatened with extinction due to legal hunting

20,000 orangutans killed or poached in 10 years without a single prosecution

New Zealand dairy industry contributing to rainforest destruction, says Greenpeace

Rehabilitation not enough to solve orangutan crisis in Indonesia

World Bank violated environmental rules in lending to palm oil companies, finds internal audit

Issues around palm oil development prove complex, controversial

LUSH cosmetics launches campaign against palm oil

Air quality worsens in Malaysia due to forest fires

Limit palm oil development to lands that store less than 40 tons of carbon/ha – study

Forest people set up logging blockades in Borneo

Borneo orangutan release in jeopardy over fate of coal mining concession

Palm oil companies trade plantation concessions for carbon credits from forest conservation

Photo: Scientists discover new species of Komodo dragon-like lizard

Malaysia’s rainforests being insidiously replaced with plantations of clones

War and conservation in Cambodia

108 river basins in Indonesia need rehabiltiation

Forest fires burn in Sumatra

REDD can compete financially with palm oil in Indonesia peatlands while protecting endangered species

Peatlands conversion for oil palm a ‘monumental mistake’ for Indonesia’s long-term prosperity, sustainability

Tropical East Asian forests under great threat

APP, Sinar Mas plan to log habitat of critically endangered orangutans

Global warming to cripple Southeast Asia economically

Dams in Laos threaten Asia’s largest waterfall, critically endangered river dolphin

Indonesia confirms that peatlands will be converted for plantations

High ivory prices in Vietnam drive killing of elephants in Laos, Cambodia

Deforestation jumps 55% in Vietnam province

Photos of new species discovered in the Greater Mekong

Hiking through Myanmar, the country better known as Burma

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