Amazon Illegal Deforestation News

Violence against indigenous peoples explodes in Brazil

Brazil land reform head fired amid push to legalize cleared Amazon land

Brazilian state complicit in violence against forest defenders, report says

World’s biggest meatpackers buying cattle from deforesters in Amazon

Brazilian Amazon fires scientifically linked to 2019 deforestation: report

Amazon indigenous groups feel deserted by Brazil’s public health service

Future of Amazon deforestation data in doubt as research head sacked

New initiative aims to jump-start stalled drive toward zero deforestation

Experts deny alleged manipulation of Amazon satellite deforestation data

As Amazon deforestation rises, sensational headlines play into Bolsonaro’s agenda (commentary)

Amazon REDD+ scheme side-steps land rights to reward small forest producers

Amazon rural development and conservation: a path to sustainability?

Amazon infrastructure puts 68% of indigenous lands / protected areas at risk: report

Brazil guts environmental agencies, clears way for unchecked deforestation

Brazil’s Congress reverses Bolsonaro, restores Funai’s land demarcation powers

The Sateré-Mawé move to reclaim Amazon ancestral lands from invaders

Former Brazilian enviro ministers blast Bolsonaro environmental assaults

‘Resisting to exist’: Indigenous women unite against Brazil’s far-right president

UK supermarkets implicated in Amazon deforestation supply chain: report

China, EU, US trading with Brazilian firms fined for Amazon deforestation: report

Stinging ants: Amazon indigenous group girds itself to hold ancestral lands

Bolsonaro draws battle lines in fight over Amazon indigenous lands

3 massacres in 12 days: Rural violence escalates in Brazilian Amazon

Brazil fails to give adequate public access to Amazon land title data, study finds

Brazil’s New Forest Code puts vast areas of protected Amazon forest at risk

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