Agroecology News

170 stories

Colombian farmers turn deforested land into sustainable Amazonian farms

Forests & Finance: Agroforestry in Cameroon and reforestation in South Africa

From scarcity to abundance: The secret of the ‘peace farmers’ of Colombia

Ecuador project aims to protect Yasuní park borders & Indigenous peoples

Study: Women, youths can be more effective at driving sustainable farming changes

Duck, duck, rice: Vermont farm models diverse method of raising sustainable grains

For Dutch farming crisis, agroforestry offers solutions: Q&A with Lennart Fuchs & Marc Buiter

Agroecology is a poverty solution in Haiti (commentary)

‘During droughts, pivot to agroecology’: Q&A with soil expert at the World Agroforestry Centre

Trees with edible leaves can boost human nutrition: New book, free download

Amid global mezcal craze, scientists and communities try out sustainable plantations

Sustainable fish farming & agroecology buoy Kenyan communities

Colombia’s ‘tree of life’ births a new culinary and conservation movement

‘One of our greatest climate solutions’: Q&A with the U.S. National Agroforestry Center’s new director

How agroforestry can restore degraded lands and provide income in the Amazon

Photos: Newcomer farmers in Brazil embrace bees, agroforestry and find success

Can a luxury chocolate company help a Congolese forest?

Breaking free from photosynthesis: Will high-tech foods save nature?

Agroecology can feed Africa and tackle climate change — with enough funding

Who decides on ‘priorities’ for ecosystem restoration?

American agroforestry accelerates with new funding announcements

Biofertilizers cut costs and GHG emissions for Brazilian soybean producers

Lebanese research preserves heat-adapted seeds to feed a warming world

Pioneer agroforester Ermi, 73, rolls back the years in Indonesia’s Gorontalo

‘Viable, just & necessary’: Agroecology is a movement in Brazil

On the frontlines of drought, communities in Mexico strive to save every drop of water

Seaweed an increasingly fragile lifeline for Philippine farmers

In Bali, snakefruit farmers hope agroforestry bears fruit as island reopens

Lack of finance prevents Bangladesh farmers from diversifying their rice crops

In Indonesian Papua, a one-time gun trafficker now preaches permaculture

Urban farming in Indonesia addresses food needs and climate crisis

The stork and the farmer: A conservation parable with lessons from Nepal

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