Industrial agriculture News

568 stories

Beyond climate: Oil, gas and coal are destabilizing all 9 planetary boundaries

Study links pesticides to child cancer deaths in Brazilian Amazon & Cerrado

‘We just want to be left in peace’: In Brazil’s Amazon, soy ambitions loom over Indigenous land

Calls grow to repurpose land squandered in Cambodia’s concession policy

Indonesia’s oil palm smallholders need both state and EU support (commentary)

Indonesia’s besieged Tesso Nilo National Park hit hard by yet more deforestation, satellites show

Plan to bring Mennonite farmers to Suriname sparks deforestation fears

Bolloré blacklisted over alleged rights violations on plantations in Africa and Asia

Meatpacking giant and Amazon deforester JBS bid for NYSE listing challenged

The Dutch farmers’ protests of 2022: A Mongabay Series

Agro giant Cargill tied to deforestation in Bolivia’s Chiquitano forest

Is the genetically modified, nutrient-rich Golden Rice as safe as promised?

In the clash over Dutch farming, Europe’s future arrives

In the Netherlands, pitchforks fly for an empire of cows

Brazil cap-and-trade carbon framework in sight, but agriculture gets a pass

How manure blew up the Netherlands

Skepticism as Cambodia expands protected areas by more than a million hectares

Investigation confirms most allegations against plantation operator Socfin

Oil palm and balsa plantations trigger deforestation in Ecuadorian Amazon

The circular economy: Sustainable solutions to solve planetary overshoot?

Elders call for Indigenous cultural preservation in new Indonesia capital

What can solve growing conflicts between agricultural giants and communities in Cameroon?

Forests in the furnace: Cambodians risking life and liberty to fuel garment factories

Forests in the furnace: Cambodia’s garment sector is fueled by illegal logging

Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala

Climate emergency may channel millions in resources toward corn-based ethanol in the Amazon

One seed at a time: Lebanese project promotes agroecology for farmer autonomy

Communities accuse Socfin and Earthworm Foundation of greenwash in West Africa

Sumatran farmers worry as government halts palm oil fertilizer subsidies

Indigenous groups turn to Brazil’s highest court to stop police violence

Can the EU’s deforestation law save Argentina’s Gran Chaco from soy?

Sumatra Indigenous community displaced by Samsung palm oil unit await justice

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