Mongabay org News

97 stories

Rich forest diversity found in new Yunnan, China preserve

Lions, cheetahs, and wild dogs dwindle in West and Central African protected areas

Reintroduced scarlet macaws adapt to the local food scene in Palenque, Mexico

Scientists call for more protection for red-listed tree species in Vietnam

Sustainable conservation in the Ibity Massif: a new protected area in Madagascar

Seed dispersal by fruit-eating bats essential to tropical reforestation

Tanzanian study says education, better signing could reduce animal vehicle collisions

Invasion of Poisonous Asian toad in Madagascar is a greater threat to biodiversity than previously thought

Satellite-based forest mapping platform hits its stride

On the fence about wildlife fencing: new paper outlines research needed to resolve debate

Top canned tuna brands rank worst in destructive fishing practices

Scientists find surprising climate change refuge for reef-building corals: beneath mangroves

Satellite images provide new view of uncontacted Amazonian communities

Private sector innovations reduce food loss in West Africa

Drone Herders: Tanzanian rangers and researchers use UAVs to protect elephants and crops

Consumer choice: Shade-grown coffee and cocoa good for the birds, farmers, ecosystems

West Africa’s weakest links: Supply chain defects are behind worst food waste

Peru eyes the Amazon for one of world’s most powerful dams

Scientists reconstruct what was in the Harapan Rainforest of Sumatra

New study finds the brilliant-thighed poison frog can learn its way home

Energy Sprawl: Comparing biodiversity impacts of oil, gas and wind production

Commercial bushmeat hunters put previously undetected pressure on Central Africa’s large birds

Your name here: auctioning the naming rights to new species to fund conservation

Photo Essay: Geopolitical pawns, the fishermen of Lý Sơn, Vietnam

Zimbabwe selling baby elephant calves to China, says environmental group

Empowering women in order to save the harvest

A tale of two maps: Brazilian state won’t use new atlas to close Cerrado deforestation loophole

Conservation and carbon storage goals collide in Brazil’s Cerrado

Restoration of artificial swamps could be a key to restoring rainforest health in Sumatra

Tropical soundscapes offer clues to forest and animal community health

Large animals invaluable for tree-seed dispersal and regeneration of tropical forests

Low crop prices means time is ripe for new forest protection programs

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