Globalization News

126 stories

Did Wall Street play a role in this year’s wheat price crisis?

Swiss pledge to stop illegal gold imports from Brazil Indigenous reserves

Foreign capital powers Brazil’s meatpackers and helps deforest the Amazon

As biomass burning surges in Japan and South Korea, where will Asia get its wood?

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee urges scale back of biomass burning

Missing the emissions for the trees: Biomass burning booms in East Asia

Sustainable fashion: Biomaterial revolution replacing fur and skins

Activists vow to take EU to court to fight its forest biomass policies

COP26: E.U. is committed to forest biomass burning to cut fossil fuel use

COP26: Surging wood pellet industry threatens climate, say experts

New restoration “Playbook” calls for political, economic, and social change

Scientists urge Biden to remove logging, fossil fuels, biomass from budget bills

COP26 deforestation-ending commitment must hold leaders accountable (commentary)

COP26 Glasgow Declaration: Salvation or threat to Earth’s forests?

Forest biomass-burning supply chain is producing major carbon emissions: Studies

Old-growth forests of Pacific Northwest could be key to climate action

Burning forests to make energy: EU and world wrestle with biomass science

The science of forest biomass: Conflicting studies map the controversy

Demand for soy puts pressure on Pantanal, Brazil’s largest wild wetland

Forest advocates press EU leader to rethink views on biomass and energy

Leaders make bold climate pledges, but is it ‘all just smoke and mirrors?’: Critics

With British Columbia’s last old-growth at risk, government falters: Critics

The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable

New age of sail looks to slash massive maritime carbon emissions

Dutch to limit forest biomass subsidies, possibly signaling EU sea change

European public roundly rejects Brazil trade deal unless Amazon protected

500+ experts call on world’s nations to not burn forests to make energy

Will new US EPA head continue his opposition to burning forests for energy?

As Amazon deforestation hits 12 year high, France rejects Brazilian soy

Multiplying Amazon river ports open new Brazil-to-China commodities routes

Alcoa vs. the Amazon: How the ribeirinhos won their collective land rights

Could disruptions in meat supply relieve pressure on the Amazon? (commentary)

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