Microplastics News

107 stories

The plastic crisis sinks to a new low in the deep sea

Earth Day founding organizer calls for end to plastic pollution

Study reveals the Pacific Garbage Patch is much heftier than thought — and it’s growing

Microplastic pollution in world’s oceans poses major threat to filter-feeding megafauna

Plastic not so fantastic for Bali’s iconic manta rays

Plastic in the ocean smells like junk food to hungry anchovies

Taking on the plastic straw: Q&A with Adrian Grenier, actor and UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador

‘Science needs to catch up’: Deep sea mining looms over unstudied ecosystems

Plastic Fantastic? Indonesia plans to turn waste into road tar

How do we keep the oceans from becoming the world’s plastic trash can?

Microplastic pollution a possible threat to Great Barrier Reef coral

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