Fuelwood News

30 stories

Mangrove forestry only sustainable when conservation zones respected: Study

Pakistan bucks global trend with 30-year mangrove expansion

Deforestation continues in Kenya’s largest water capturing forest, satellites show

Can land titles save Madagascar’s embattled biodiversity and people?

Forests in the furnace: Can fashion brands tackle illegal logging in their Cambodian supply chains?

Villagers turn to charcoal made from bamboo to save a protected forest in Madagascar

Human migration to Nepal’s tiger capital adds to conservation challenges

Switzerland set to burn more trees to reach its climate and energy goals (commentary)

Poverty-fueled deforestation threatens Kenya’s largest water catchment

Nigerian refugees in Cameroon turn biomass into charcoal to spare trees

Cameroon’s Nigerian refugees who degraded their camp are now vanguards of reforestation

Major clothing brands contribute to deforestation in Cambodia, report finds

Cleaning up Cambodia’s kitchens could curb deforestation, climate change

Rush to turn ‘black diamonds’ into cash eats up Uganda’s forests, fruits

Study projects 30% more forest cover if wood biomass is managed right; critics call it a disaster

Demand for charcoal threatens the forest of Madagascar’s last hunter-gatherers

Can rice husk briquettes stem the tide of mangrove deforestation in Myanmar?

Illegal charcoal trade threatens Myanmar’s remaining mangroves

In Ethiopia, women and faith drive effort to restore biodiversity

More than half of Europe’s forests lost over 6,000 years

Charcoal and cattle ranching tearing apart the Gran Chaco

The people of Ethiopia’s forests

A dangerous, illegal necessity: charcoal reform comes to Virunga

Kenya’s forests squeezed as government pressures environment groups

Firewood fervor may turn Zimbabwe into an ‘outright desert’

Saving one of Africa’s most stunning parks through biomass briquettes and fuel-efficient stoves

How do we save Africa’s forests?

Ugandan forest being stripped for fuel wood

Rainforest destruction progresses in waves

Mangrove destruction for fish trade may undermine fishermen in West Africa

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