21 stories

Meet the Miombo, the largest forest you’ve never heard of

A year after toxic tar sands spill, questions remain for affected First Nation

As the world burns, can we learn to live with wildfire health risks?

The health impacts of escalating megafires are everyone’s problem

34,000-year-old termite mounds in South Africa are still being used

Camera-trap study brings the lesula, Congo’s cryptic monkey, into focus

Elusive jaguarundi inspires biologists to share data across Latin America

Canada oil sands air pollution 20-64 times worse than industry says: Study

Oman’s mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future

Global conference to accelerate nature-based solutions: Q&A with Self Help Africa’s Patricia Wall

Agroecological solutions better than pesticides in fighting fall armyworm, experts say

We need a better understanding of how crops fare under solar panels, study shows

Salmon and other migratory fish play crucial role in delivering nutrients

Fish out of water: North American drought bakes salmon

‘It’s a real mess’: Mining and deforestation threaten unparalleled DRC wildlife haven

Virtual fences can benefit both ranchers and wildlife

Meet the kipunji: A rare primate success story in Tanzania

One left: British Columbia’s last chance on northern spotted owls

Spamming streams with hatchery salmon can disrupt ecosystems, study finds

CO2 in, methane out? Study highlights complexity of coastal carbon sinks

When nature gives them a chance to collab, jaguars aren’t so solitary after all

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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