Amazon river News

156 stories

Extreme drought pushes Amazon’s main rivers to lowest-ever levels

Hydropower plants disrupt fishers’ lives in Amazon’s most biodiverse river basin

Study to benchmark water quality finds key Amazon tributary in good shape

Mineral hotspots in the Pan Amazon

In Amazon’s tri-border Javari region, teens fall prey to drug gangs’ lure

Indigenous efforts to save Peru’s Marañon River could spell trouble for big oil

Ancient giant river dolphin species found in the Peruvian Amazon

Why the Amazon’s small streams have a major impact on its grand rivers

Mega oil and gas auction in the Brazilian Amazon may threaten Indigenous lands

AI unlocks secrets of Amazon river dolphins’ behavior, no tagging required

Fishing, dams and dredging close in on Peru’s river dolphins, study shows

Fishers confirm scientists’ warning: Brazil’s Belo Monte dam killed off the river

Mouth of the Amazon oil exploration clashes with Lula’s climate promises

As gangs battle over Peru’s drug trafficking routes, communities and forest are at risk

Crimes against the Amazon reverberate across Brazil, analysis shows

Overexploitation threatens Amazon fisheries with collapse, study warns

A new index measures the human impacts on Amazon waters

Brazil’s Bem Querer dam: An impending Amazon disaster (commentary)

Brazil’s Amazon dam plans: Ominous warnings of future destruction (commentary)

More than 500 dams planned inside protected areas: Study

Amazon river dolphin risks extinction if Brazil moratorium not renewed

Amazon poor go hungry as Brazil slashes social safety net, cuts forests: Study

Massive erosion likely due to hydropower dam causes oil spill on Ecuador’s Coca River

New maps show where humans are pushing species closer to extinction

Six new catfish species, facial tentacles and all, described in Amazon

A monitoring network in the Amazon captures a flood of data

Field Museum honors Peruvian organization for its conservation work with indigenous groups

Fish tales: Six amazing journeys to celebrate World Fish Migration Day

Pope set to visit site of deforestation, indigenous struggle in Peru

Amazon dam defeats Brazil’s environment agency (commentary)

Plans to drill for oil near newly discovered Amazon Reef alarm scientists

Giant catfish clocks longest ever freshwater migration

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