Ethics News

51 stories

Sweden’s ‘nature friendly’ reputation is being shot to pieces (commentary)

Luxury hunting firm linked to decades of poaching in Tanzania, whistleblowers say

The promise of ecocide law, from boardroom to courtroom (commentary)

Animal welfare advocacy must include wildlife & invertebrates (commentary)

The $91 billion wasted on nuclear weapons last year could transform ecosystem restoration (commentary)

Know your salamander: To conserve amphibians, study their intelligence (commentary)

Cutting forests for solar energy ‘misses the plot’ on climate action (commentary)

Iceland’s whaling paradox (commentary)

When wildlife surveillance tech ‘watches’ people

Don’t destroy Earth on the way to Mars (commentary)

Conservation must acknowledge animal sentience (commentary)

On wildlife and the Metaverse, some ethical considerations (commentary)

Whether humans can survive climate change is the wrong question (commentary)

Why is there no Planet B? (commentary)

Think that GIF of the smoking chimp is funny? The chimp wasn’t laughing

One of world’s last two northern white rhinos withdrawn from breeding program

Faroe Islands to evaluate traditional hunt after slaughter of 1,400 dolphins

On World Elephant Day (and every day) humans should stay away from wildlife (commentary)

‘What’s your real footprint on the animal world?’: Q&A with author Henry Mance

The Pope, a prince and a judge walk into a bar…to argue for nature’s rights (commentary)

Keeping animals wild vs ‘safe’ should be prioritized, lion biologists argue (commentary)

Skin in the game? Reptile leather trade embroils conservation authority

Vatican calls landmark meeting to conserve Amazon, protect indigenous peoples

Interfaith leaders step up to protect the world’s ‘sacred’ rainforests

How to make sure your aquarium fish are ethical (commentary)

To collect or not to collect? Experts debate the need for specimens

Pope Francis: ‘this is our sin: we exploit the earth’

David Attenborough: someone who believes in infinite growth is ‘either a madman or an economist’

Butchering nature’s titans: without the elephant ‘we lose an essential pillar in the ability to wonder’

How Tarzan created Jane Goodall and how Goodall then repaid the favor

Coming to terms with the evil Jane Goodall and the mystery of the dragonfly incident

Why endangered species need conservation champions

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