Bioacoustics and conservation News

25 stories

Bioacoustics and AI help scientists listen in on elusive Australian cockatoos

The potential for tracking wildlife health & disease via bioacoustics is great (commentary)

Sound recordings and AI tell us if forests are recovering, new study from Ecuador shows

Sounds of the soil: A new tool for conservation?

The more degraded a forest, the quieter its wildlife, new study shows

To save Hainan gibbons, Earth’s rarest primate, experts roll out the big tech

Mongabay’s ‘must listen’ podcast list for 2022

What’s popping? Humpbacks off South Africa, new acoustic study finds

Bioacoustics researcher wins top award for positive impact toward solving global challenges

Betting big on bioacoustics: Q&A with philanthropist Lisa Yang

When a tree falls in the forest, it’s the birds that don’t make a sound, study finds

Male superb lyrebirds found to trick females into mating via masterful mimicry

Electronic ears listen to poachers in a key Central American jaguar habitat

Podcast: Lemur love and award-winning plant passion in Madagascar

The rhino in the room: 3D scan brings near-extinct Sumatran species to virtual life

Don’t cross this tiger mom: Close encounter in Russia’s Far East

Spiny lobsters raise an undersea racket that can be heard miles away

Listening to marine mammals is helping scientists understand Arctic impacts of climate change

Canaries in the coal mine? North Atlantic right whale use of key habitat changing rapidly

Decoding the language of bats key to their conservation

First record of ultrasound communication in the mysterious Sunda colugo

‘AudioMoth’ device aims to deliver low-cost, power-efficient monitoring of remote landscapes

When a rhino calls in the forest, this guy hears it: Q&A with a Javan rhino researcher

Mexico takes ‘unprecedented’ action to save vaquita

Scientists learn to listen when it comes to assessing rainforest health

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