Global environmental crisis News

403 stories

Aluminum and steel vital to energy transition, but need circular solutions

Ahead of COP16, groups warn of rights abuses linked to ‘30×30’ goal

Aluminum and steel take environment and health toll, even as demand grows

Lack of research as contaminated Yaqui River poses health risks

Will we be ready? Geoengineering policy lags far behind pace of climate change

Arctic melt ponds influence sea ice extent each summer — but how much?

Cloud brightening over oceans may stave off climate change, but with risk

Geoengineering gains momentum, but governance is lacking, critics say

Most ‘compostable’ bioplastics are anything but, says new report

Biomass power grows in Japan despite new understanding of climate risks

Dhaka international symposium gathers at the intersection of art & climate crisis

Don’t even study it: Geoengineering research hits societal roadblocks

Sun block: The promise and peril of solar geoengineering

Loss of water means loss of culture for Mexico’s Indigenous Yaqui

As drought parches Mexico, a Yaqui water defender fights for a sacred river

Indigenous Alaskans drive research in a melting arctic

Marshallese worries span decades — first nuclear tests, now sea-level rise

Polar warning: Warming temperatures mean more than melted ice

Report ranks 60+ ideas, including geoengineering, to save the Arctic

Can the circular economy help the Caribbean win its war against waste?

Scientists explore nature’s promise in combating plastic waste

At its fourth summit, 170 nations strive toward a global plastics treaty by 2025

Bioplastics as toxic as regular plastics; both need regulation, say researchers

Annual ocean conference raises $11.3b in pledges for marine conservation

Protected areas bear the brunt as forest loss continues across Cambodia

Enviva bankruptcy fallout ripples through biomass industry, U.S. and EU

Ecological overshoot is a ‘behavioral crisis’ & marketing is a solution: Study

Fertilizer management could reduce ammonia pollution from 3 staple crops: Study

Brazilian youngsters discuss how they are tackling the climate emergency

Global protected area policies spark conflicts with Mexico Indigenous groups

Planetary boundary pioneer Johan Rockström awarded 2024 Tyler Prize

Freeze on Russian collaboration disrupts urgently needed permafrost data flow

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