Overconsumption News

78 stories

Aluminum and steel vital to energy transition, but need circular solutions

Aluminum and steel take environment and health toll, even as demand grows

‘Polycrisis’ threatens planetary health; UN calls for innovative solutions

Mongabay investigation is turned into art for World Press Freedom Day event

Can the circular economy help the Caribbean win its war against waste?

To renew or not to renew? African nations reconsider EU fishing deals

Scientists explore nature’s promise in combating plastic waste

At its fourth summit, 170 nations strive toward a global plastics treaty by 2025

IKEA blamed for Romanian forest destruction

Ecological overshoot is a ‘behavioral crisis’ & marketing is a solution: Study

Norwegian salmon farms gobble up fish that could feed millions in Africa: Report

Fashioning a circular future for traditional and alternative leather

Critics push for more transparency at RFMOs that govern high seas fishing

As the world swims in plastic, some offer an answer: Ban the toxic two

As companies buy ‘plastic credits,’ are they reducing waste or greenwashing?

Human justice element is key to stemming biodiversity loss, study says

Fishers in Flores Sea opt to limit harvest of overexploited sea cucumbers

Mongabay’s What-To-Watch list for November 2022

Heat-sensing drone cameras spy threats to sea turtle nests

Sea turtles: Can these great marine migrators navigate rising human threats?

Reptile traffickers trawl scientific literature, target newly described species

Humanity’s ‘ecological Ponzi scheme’ sets up bleak future, scientists warn

Crimefighting NGO tracks Brazil wildlife trade on WhatsApp and Facebook

Could disruptions in meat supply relieve pressure on the Amazon? (commentary)

Shark fin trafficking ring busted as trade ban comes into effect in Florida

Is Chinese investment driving a sharp increase in jaguar poaching?

The Large-antlered muntjac — Southeast Asia’s mystery deer (Commentary)

Brazilian Amazon drained of millions of wild animals by criminal networks: Report

Population and consumption: challenges we can win (commentary)

Amazon river dolphin risks extinction if Brazil moratorium not renewed

As habitat degradation threatens Amazon species, one region offers hope

Turning the tide for an endangered crab species in the Philippines

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